Grave Reflections
Thoughts, teachings, and musings regarding death, memorialization, cremation, and everything else to help enlighten, edify, and demystify the myths and misconceptions surrounding the inevitable.
7 Things NOT to Say to Someone When a Loved One Dies
Losing a loved one hurts. Friends and family are compassionate and always willing to help but this isn’t something one does often and it’s hard to find the right thing to say sometimes. Words can either be a source of comfort or cause unintended pain. While most people mean well, certain phrases can come off as dismissive, hurtful, or just plain unhelpful. If you want to support someone who is grieving, here are seven things you should avoid saying—and what to say instead.
Who Controls What Happens To My Body When I Die?
What happens to me after I die? Who controls what happens to your body after your passing. Make sure your wishes are honored and not left to chance. Or worse, left to someone that you do not want to make decisions for you after you die. Here is a guide.
Frozen Dead Guy Days
When it comes to commemorating the dearly departed, the little mountain town of Nederland, Colorado, has taken things to a whole new (and chilly) level. Meet the star of the show: Bredo Morstoel, affectionately known as “Grandpa Bredo,” who’s been cryogenically frozen in a Tuff Shed since the late 1980s. His icy posthumous adventure has inspired one of the quirkiest festivals in the U.S.: Frozen Dead Guy Days.
Exploring the Ancient Roots of Modern Christmas Traditions
Christmas is a time filled with joy, light, and warmth, but did you know many of its traditions have roots that stretch back long before the birth of Jesus Christ? Some of the most familiar parts of our modern holiday celebrations come from ancient festivals and customs that different cultures practiced for centuries.
Understanding One of the World’s Oldest Religions—Hinduism
This blog aims to provide an accessible overview of Hinduism, focusing on its practices, gods, and beliefs, while highlighting its presence in Texas. You might even be surprised that some things that are part of our every day lives come from Hinduism!