Grave Reflections
Thoughts, teachings, and musings regarding death, memorialization, cremation, and everything else to help enlighten, edify, and demystify the myths and misconceptions surrounding the inevitable.
John Wesley Hardin—The Notorious Gunslinger's Final Farewell
John Wesley Hardin's death was only the beginning of the saga surrounding his final resting place. The line between hero and villain is often blurred beyond recognition.
The Quirky Quandary of Swedish Death Cleaning— Decluttering, with a Side of Mortality
The Swedish art of döstädning or Death Cleaning can free yourself (and your family) of a lifetime of clutter. It’s not as morbid as you would think!
The Evolution of Life Expectancy: From Ancient Times to Tomorrow
The journey of life expectancy reflects humanity's resilience and capacity for progress. From ancient struggles against disease and adversity to modern triumphs in healthcare and science, our understanding of longevity has evolved dramatically. While the future of life expectancy holds promise, it also presents us with complex challenges to overcome.
7 Compassionate Things To Say When Someone Dies
While there are no perfect words to ease the pain of loss, expressing sympathy and offering support can make a significant difference.
Navigating the Depths of Grief—A Question of Healing
How do you navigate the depths of grief in your own life?
Celebrating Excellence— 5 Amazing Women Shaping the Future of Funeral Service
Five influential American women that have broken barriers but also significantly shaped the landscape of funeral service. Their contributions highlight the diversity and richness of the funeral service profession. As we celebrate their achievements, we recognize the importance of continued support and empowerment for women in this essential and evolving industry.
10 Pioneering Contributions of African Americans that Shaped Society
In the rich tapestry of American history, African Americans have played a pivotal role in shaping and enriching our society. From groundbreaking achievements in science and technology to transformative contributions in the arts and civil rights, their impact is immeasurable. In this Black History Month, let us explore 10 remarkable contributions made by African Americans that have left an enduring mark on our collective history.
Funeral Traditions of the Past
From the solemnity of post-mortem portraits to the sartorial elegance of Victorian mourning attire, our exploration unveils the unique practices that once defined the farewell rituals of yesteryear. Could history be repeating itself?
New Year’s Resolutions Texas Style!
Howdy, fellow Texans and honorary Lone Star enthusiasts! As we saddle up for another trip around the sun, it's that time again – New Year's resolutions. So, grab your 10-gallon hats and tighten your bootstraps; it's time for some resolutions with a side of humor, Texas-style!
The Day the Music Died
Though Lubbock Texas-born Buddy Holly's life was cut short way too soon, his legacy endures through the melodies and rhythms that continue to captivate audiences today. As we remember this icon, let us appreciate the timeless contributions he made to the world of music and reflect on the enduring impact of his artistry.
Photo Credit By Brunswick Records -,-HALF-LENGTH-PORTRAIT,-FACING-FRONT,-SNAPPING-FINGERS%5D-/..., Public Domain,
The Evolution of Modern Funeral Practices: Honoring Lives in New Ways
The evolution of modern funeral practices reflects a broader shift towards embracing individuality, leveraging technology, and considering environmental impact. These changes not only offer more choices to grieving families but also contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate approach to commemorating the lives of our loved ones.
Coach Tom Landry
Tom Landry's impact on the Dallas Cowboys and the NFL as a whole is immeasurable. Beyond the wins and championships, he shaped the very fabric of the sport with his innovative strategies and unwavering commitment to excellence. The legacy of Tom Landry continues to influence and inspire generations of football enthusiasts, and his contributions will forever be etched in the annals of NFL history.
"Blossoms of Resilience: A Grief's Journey to Healing"
Blossoms of Resilience—A Griefs Journey to Healing
Cremation versus Burial. Or Both?
People choose cremation over burial for a variety of personal, cultural, and practical reasons but it isn’t surprising that many people choose both. Yes, you can bury cremated remains in a cemetery plot with a headstone and graveside ceremony if desired. Here are the top five reasons why people opt for cremation.
Debunking the Myths Surrounding Cremation
Cremation has been a part of human history for thousands of years, but despite its long-standing tradition, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding the practice. It's essential to separate fact from fiction to make informed decisions about end-of-life choices. In this post, we'll debunk these 7 MYTHS about cremation.
The Life and Death of Texan Barbara Jordan
Barbara Jordan was a powerful and eloquent advocate for civil rights, social justice, and equality. In this blog post, we'll explore the remarkable life of Barbara Jordan and her dignified funeral, which celebrated her legacy.
Exploring the Boundaries of Possibility—Cryonics
Would you pause your natural dying process in subzero temperatures until a time when medical advances can restore your health in the future?
The Beauty of Cremation
Whether one chooses cremation or another form of disposition, the essence is the same - the profound human connection to the cycle of life and the celebration of a unique individual's existence. Cremation, with its rich history and symbolic depth, continues to be a choice that resonates with many, offering solace, sustainability, and a timeless connection to our shared humanity.
Balinese Funeral Customs Celebrate Existence
Celebrating the Joy of Existence—Elaborate bamboo structures called "bade" are crafted and embellished with flowers, sacred symbols, and intricate designs. These bade, resembling mythical creatures or traditional architecture, are used as elaborate sarcophagi to transport the deceased.