"Blossoms of Resilience: A Grief's Journey to Healing"

In shadows cast by loss, a heavy shroud,
Grief weaves its tapestry, silent and loud.
A dance with sorrow, a relentless tide,
Through the fractured soul, emotions slide.

Echoes of laughter, now whispers in the wind,
Memories linger, where sadness has thinned.
Yet, within the darkness, a seed takes root,
A promise of healing, a tender shoot.

Through tear-stained verses of the heart's lament,
A symphony of healing begins to invent.
A fragile melody, rising from despair,
Notes of resilience, suspended in the air.

The healing journey, a labyrinthine maze,
Woven with courage in the darkest of days.
Tiny victories, like stars in the night,
Illuminate the path, revealing the light.

Time, a gentle healer, stitching the seams,
Mending the heart with delicate dreams.
In the mosaic of sorrow, colors blend,
A portrait of strength, on which we depend.

So, let the tears fall like gentle rain,
Washing away the echoes of the pain.
For in the soil of grief, seeds of hope,
Blossom into healing, a boundless scope.


Coach Tom Landry


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